Wharton Reunion@Home

Date and Time
Friday, May 15, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020

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Philadelphia, PA
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Dear All,

It is so hard to believe we cannot reunite in Philadelphia for our reunion.  In-person plans for this year’s Alumni Weekend may be postponed, but it is still a time to celebrate. 

Reunion@Home is happening. We hope you will join us! Here is an update on Wharton events taking place Friday and Saturday. Our committee is also working on other programs/sessions as well as cohort gatherings that will take in the weeks to come. 

Dean Geoff Garret & Professor Jeremy Siegel
Friday, May 15th  12 – 1:30 PM EDT

To Register: https://reunion-weekend.wharton.upenn.edu/

Join us for the last call with Dean Geoff Garrett as he provides timely school updates and says farewell to your class. Professor Jeremy Siegel will also present his views on the economy in the context of a global pandemic. There will be an opportunity for audience questions. 

Again, while the event will be at your home, registration is required.

Angela Duckworth, Grit and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Saturday, May 16th  12 PM EDT


Grit and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Q&A with Professor Angela Duckworth

Angela Duckworth, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology, will discuss grit and resilience in the time of COVID-19, and answer questions from alumni. The address will be streaming on Facebook Live.

Check the Virtual Alumni Weekend webpage for the full schedule of Penn’s events starting at 11:30 am.

Wharton Reunion@Wharton  MARCH 5 – 6, 2021
Stay tuned for details.  While official room blocks are not yet confirmed due to skeletal staff at the hotels, consider making your reservations today.  Rates are quite low right now. (Make sure to choose a rate that you can cancel, just in case…)

Map & Directions


Philadelphia, PA, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking