The Club has introduced sponsorship opportunities in response to corporate requests and the desire to expand our program offerings.
There are five sponsorship tiers, each with increasingly exclusive privileges and increased access to the Club's membership. The number of sponsorship openings and donation levels are described below. As the Club is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization, all sponsorship donations are largely tax-deductable (see descriptions for specifics). General sponsorships are year-long sponsorships, valid for twelve months from the time your organization signs up. One hundred percent of funds raised from sponsors will benefit the Club and its activities.
There are numerous benefits for supporting a strong, non-profit, local, alumni association – especially one with the professional recognition associated with The Wharton School. The Club welcomes the opportunity to discuss the benefits with your company, and to understand other goals your organization might seek to achieve. Based on sponsorship levels, benefits include:
- Exposure to the entire Club database of more than 1,300 local, senior professionals and consumers, of which approximately 1000 are Wharton Alumni,
- Electronic exposure through website, e-newsletters, other social available media channels,
- Live exposure through many formal events and the annual gala including free tickets to events,
- Opportunity for direct communication and marketing,
- Opportunity to target specific industry sectors such as energy, health care, etc.,
- Largely tax-deductable sponsorship donation, and
- Goodwill and positive community image.